during the biggest greenwashing
festival in the Netherlands 🤩

fossil fuel
festival ✨

Welcome to Wereldhavendagen: Where Greenwashing Takes Center Stage!

We have everything you ever wanted from maritime festival in the most polluting harbour of Europe:

  • Free propaganda from the world's largest polluters! 🥰
  • Neoliberal fairytales about green growth! 🌈
  • Shiny empty promises about our collective future!

So come celebrate with us! See below for more ⬇️

Highlight: visit THE biggest polluters 😍

Dive into a trashy adventure at our delightfully contaminated port! Get mesmerized by all the plastic pellets and oil rainbows. Our corporate partners are more than happy to show you around and tell you all about their green dreams. With climate change and sea levels rising, we may not always be able to celebrate the World Harbour Days. So let's party like it's our last day!

We got fun for everyone: Enjoy the fireworks of our spectacular light & sound water show, a great distraction from the climate and ecological crisis! Join our career events and discover the harbour, fossil-jobs jobs, transportation jobs and their incertain future! Want a taste of the future? Don't forget to inhale the refreshing fumes of toxic smokes released in the air!

Sme facts!

National champion of CO2 emissions!

The port of Rotterdam proudly ranks first when it comes to CO2 emissions. 20% of national emissions come from right here. This is only possible thanks to shipping & petrochemical industries located in our harbour and the support of the Port Authority ❤️

Health damages for all!

Our top five companies cause an estimated annual health damage of 2,7 billion euros to the local population! We pollute the air by releasing particulate matters, sulphur, nitrogene, methane and all kind of cute chemicals, and you breathe them! A win/win for everyone!

On our way to the green harbour. But not too fast!

We take it slow and easy when it comes to the sustainable transition of the harbour. We support the 1,5degree target, and our strategy is an inspiring blend of business-as-usual and wishing that technology will save us all! Therefore, we have decided to remain committed to fossil fuels until at least 2050.

& friends

Everyone needs friends, and so does the World Port Days. To make this event possible, we're partnering up with the largest players of the fossil fuel industry! In return, we give them center stage to tell you all about their green ambitions. This is a real team effort : they make up a story, we spread it! You may see a lot of cool stuff this week end: inspiring technologies, cool big shiny boats... Greenwashing never looked so good.

#reclaimtheharbour is a collective effort to make the Rotterdam harbour a port for the People & the Planet. We ask the Port Authority and the operating companies to take action and commit to change. Through disruptive actions targeting those who put profits before people, we demand: to end the Fossil Port by 2030; to guarantee green jobs for workers; to ensure clean air for all, and to give the citizens of Rotterdam a say in their future. Join our campaign, take action and reclaim the harbour! More about the campaign